*NOTE: For the worm boss fight, there is a crack on his back, you need to hit that to do damage. He heals if he bites you.

A/Left Arrow - Move left
D/Right Arrow - Move right
Space - Jump
Esc - Pause menu

Collect all the coins in the level to reveal the exit door. It's not supposed to be easy, expect to die a lot.

Version history:


0.0.2 (Alpha Update 1)

-Level 4 5 & 6
-Tar Slime enemy type
-Tank enemy type
-Worm Boss type
-Pause Menu
-Sound Effects (May be annoying, but they're not final. There's a volume slider in the pause menu)
-Particle Effects (Will look much better next update, just wanted to get these in and working first)

- Level 3s crumbling block respawns faster
        (3 sec => 2.25 sec)


0.0.1 (Alpha Release) 

This is my first game in Unity, all feedback is welcome. It's not nearly done, but I hope you enjoy the few levels there is so far.

Development log